Vacature Cleaning Employee

Cleaning Employee in Nijmegen

Cleaning employee in Nijmegen


About the position

Gelderland, South

10 hours

General cleaning maintenance employee I

Monday to Friday

from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM

We are looking for

Cleaning employee in Nijmegen for 10 hours a week

Are you the cleaning expert we are looking for? Flexible hours and a good salary guaranteed. Thanks to you, hundreds of people work, live or travel in a clean environment every day! Became curious? Then read on quickly.

What are you going to do?

Your task package looks like this:

  • You ensure that the location looks spick and span!;;

  • You record details in the logbook and start working on action points;

  • You coordinate the work with your manager.

You work an average of 10 hours per week in an office building.

A real ICS person

  • Likes a clean environment!;;

  • Has knowledge of the Dutch and/or English language;

  • Is the point of contact for the client and all users of the location.

ICS offers you

  • A fun and varied working environment;

  • A nice team to work in / a great opportunity to carry out tasks independently;

  • Flexible working hours;

  • Salary in accordance with collective labor agreement, holiday pay and an end-of-year bonus

  • A nice € bonus if you know other cleaning experts who want to work at ICS!

Yes I do!

Do you recognize yourself in the above profile and would you like to make a difference within ICS? Then don't hesitate and press the apply button!

For more questions, please contact on . See you soon!

We take care of each other

We invest in development

We continue to improve continuously

We work together

Contact person vacancy

Femke Wilhelmina Antonia Awater

Cleaning employee in Nijmegen


Cleaning employee in Groesbeek


Salaris:onbekend – onbekend
Uren per week:10 – 10

Heb je interesse in deze vacature en wil je graag op deze functie solliciteren? Neem dan contact op met ICS Groep via onbekend of onbekend. Of bezoek hun website onbekend.

Deel de vacature:

Redactie Nijmegenleeft

Leuk dat je een van de recent geplaatste vacatures hebt geopend via de nijmegenkrant. Hopelijk vind je een baan die bij je past en waar je gelukkig van wordt!

  1. Vacatures nijmegen
  2. Cleaning Employee ICS Groep 02-06-2024

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