Tijdens de tiende editie van Go Short – International Short Film Festival Nijmegen de prijzen voor de beste korte films van Europa uitgereikt. Twee internationale jury’s en een jongerenjury bepaalden de winnaars.
In de Europese Competitie won Strange Says the Angel van Shalimar Preuss de award voor beste fictiefilm. Anthony, The Invisible One van Maya Kosa en Sergio de Costa won de prijs voor beste documentaire. De prijs voor beste korte kunstfilm is gewonnen door Orogenesis van Boris Labbé. Coyote van Lorenz Wunderle ging er als winnaar van de beste animatiefilm vandoor.
De award voor de beste Nederlandse korte film ging naar LISTEN van Astrid Bussink. De jury gaf de Go Short Encouragement Award aan Sog van Jonatan Schwenk. De jongerenjury kende de MovieZone award toe aan Wild Horses van Rory Alexander Steward.
Zowel de Europese Competitie jury als de Nederlandse Competitie jury onderscheidden een film met een Special Mention. Vanwege het actuele onderwerp konden de juryleden van de Europese Competitie de korte film JUCK (THRUST) van Olivia Kastebring, Julia Gumpert en Ulrika Bandeira niet negeren. Volgens de jury moet de film, die gaat over hoe we onze identiteit vormgeven, niet alleen door vrouwen maar ook door mannen gezien worden. De Nederlandse Competitie Jury gaf een Special Mention aan Word! van Amos Mulder vanwege de onderscheidende en uitmuntende kwaliteiten van de filmmaker.
Europese Competitie:
NTR Go Short Award for Best European Short Fiction Film t.w.v. € 1.250,-
Strange Says the Angel Shalimar Preuss / France / 2017 / 18′
Jury: “We chose the wonderful Strange Says The Angel by Shalimar Preuss for its elegant and profound storytelling, edged with mysterious yet gentle danger, rooted in the rich layers of family life. This film displays all the magic and power of the Short film.”
NTR Go Short Award for Best European Short Documentary t.w.v. € 1.250,-
Anthony, The Invisible One Maya Kosa en Sergio da Costa / Switzerland, Portugal / 2017 / 17’
Jury: “The recipient of this year’s documentary award reminded us that although we were using our eyes to watch these films, the main tools we were using to truly see and feel them were our minds and hearts.
NTR Go Short Award for Best European Short Art Film t.w.v. € 1.250,-
Orogenesis Boris Labbé / France / 2016 / 8′
Jury: “A film that needs and utilises the big screen to come alive. A highly technical photo collage that beautifully floats between a macro and micro universe that could both display a microscopic wave as well as the birth of mountains.”
NTR Go Short Awards for Best European Short Animation Film t.w.v. € 1.250,-
Coyote Lorenz Wunderle / Switzerland / 2018 / 10′
Jury: “We were drawn to this film’s outrageous premise and unapologetically absurd style. The concepts on display were unique in every way and lingered long after the initial viewing.”
Special Mention
JUCK (THRUST) Olivia Kastebring, Julia Gumpert en Ulrika Bandeira / Sweden / 2017 / 17′
Jury: “We would like to give a shoutout/special mention to JUCK, because it deals with an important issue that we simply can’t neglect in this present era. The dancers of Juck are conveying a message that should not only be seen by women, but also by men, since it makes a statement about how we shape our identities.”
Nederlandse Competitie:
VEVAM Go Short Award for Best Dutch Short Film t.w.v. € 2.500,-
LISTEN (Luister) Astrid Bussink / The Netherlands / 2017 / 15’
Jury: “Although we do not see the subjects on screen, the filmmaker successfully creates the individual personalities through a colorful collage that is as honest and heartwarming as the voices portrayed in the film.”
Special Mention
Word! Amos Mulder / Netherlands / 2017 / 7′
Jury: “We would like to award a Special Jury Recognition to Word! for a distinctive and singular artist that challenges narrative through a visual exploration in the absence of words.”
Studenten Competitie
Encouragement Award for Best Student Short Film t.w.v. € 1500,-
Sog Jonatan Schwenk / Germany / 2017 / 10′
Jury: “A global story that addresses the social consequence for having the bravery to protect the harmless. This film manages to address themes about our current social, political and environmental issues told in a thoughtful, heartwarming and disturbingly humorous way.”
Youth Competitie
MovieZone Award/Nijmegen Youth Award t.w.v. € 750,-
Wild Horses Rory Alexander Stewart / United Kingdom / 2017 / 26’
Jury: “The winning film stood out from the rest of the shorts, in terms of sound, image and acting. Because of the detailed sound design and the compelling music, we were literally taken along with the emotions and thoughts of the main character.”
Bron foto: Melle Meivogel