Zaterdagavond 9 april zijn tijdens de achtste editie van Go Short – International Short Film Festival Nijmegen de awards voor de beste korte films van Europa uitgereikt. Twee internationale jury’s en een jongerenjury bepaalden de winnaars. Het is voor het eerst sinds acht edities Go Short dat maar liefst twee Nederlandse films in de prijzen vallen binnen de Europese competitie.
In de Europese Competitie won Spoetnik als beste fictiefilm, The Sniper of Kobani won de award voor beste documentaire.Chulyen, a Crow’s Tale ging er vandoor met de award voor beste animatiefilm en Quantum. verkreeg de award voor beste kunstfilm. De award voor de beste Nederlandse film ging naar LAZARUS en Courber L’Echine werd beoordeeld als beste film in de Breaking Shorts studentencompetitie. Tot slot werd de MovieZone Go Short Award toegekend aan Body Language Zone. Op zondagmiddag 10 april wordt bij de uitreiking van de Audience Award bekend gemaakt wat het publiek de beste film van Go Short 2016 vindt.
Foto’s gemaakt door: Jimmy Israel
Europese Competitie:
NTR Go Short Award for Best European Short Fiction Film t.w.v. € 1.250,-
Spoetnik Noël Loozen / The Netherlands / 2015 / 10’
Jury: ‘Possesses an uplifting, intoxicating energy, created out of music, style and confident comedy beats. Each moment is a capsule of cinematic vitality and each plot development feels fresh.’
NTR Go Short Award for Best European Short Documentary t.w.v. € 1.250,-
The Sniper of Kobani Reber Dosky / The Netherlands / 2015 / 12’
Jury: ‘This film introduced us to the ruthless world of an, after all, not that ruthless man. The thoughtfully crafted narrative arc works by peeling back the sniper’s layers, from clinical job details, through to a haunted heart.’
NTR Go Short Award for Best European Short Art Film t.w.v. € 1.250,-
Quantum. FLATFORM / Italy, Germany / 2015 / 8’
Jury: ‘Highlights and amplifies a familiar setting in an innovative way. An ingenious and playful take on the theatrics of perception, that inventively melds both sight and sound to create a unique experience.’
NTR Go Short Awards for Best European Short Animation Film t.w.v. € 1.250,-
Chulyen, a Crow’s Tale Cerise Lopez, Agnès Patron / France / 2015 / 20’
Jury: ‘This freakish, shape-shifting short grittily represents the subliminal – submerging the audience in a mysterious, dream-like realm where logic is buoyantly ripped apart.’
Nederlandse Competitie:
VEVAM Go Short Award for Best Dutch Short Film t.w.v. € 2.500,-
LAZARUS Gonzalo Fernandez / The Netherlands / 2015 / 26’
Jury: ‘For its craftsmanship the award goes to a sensitive film about a woman finding a way to cope with her broken life narrated with bittersweet humor.’
Special Mention Nederlandse competitie
Son du Serpent Tami Ravid / The Netherlands, Benin / 2015 / 11’
Jury: ‘Due to its rhythm and cinematic quality the special mention goes to a film that keeps a fragile balance between reality and supernatural energy.
Breaking Shorts Studentencompetitie:
Dioraphte Encouragement Award for Best Student Short Film t.w.v. € 5000,-
Courber L’Echine Kadija Ben-Fradj / Switzerland / 2015 / 16’
Jury: ‘A powerful film about a young girl who finds herself trapped between Western and Arabic culture, between suppressed sexuality and submission to higher powers. The jury wants to encourage a fearless filmmaker to keep developing her own voice.
Youth Competitie:
MovieZone Go Short Award t.w.v. € 750,-
Body Language Zone Kim Saarinen / Finland / 2015 / 10’
Jury: ‘The winning film is creative, artistic, open-minded and humorous. In 10 minutes, it gives advice about how we could use our bodies and criticizes the way we use them nowadays. We think that the important message about health and social use of our bodies, a subject that we don’t often think about, was amazingly translated in the art of film and dance. The filmmaker and her crew did an excellent job transmitting this perspective in an artistic way.’
Special Mention MovieZone
You Have a Problem Esra Piké / The Netherlands / 2015 / 25’
Jury: ‘We chose to give this film a special mention, because we found the perspective very unique. You can see the social workers struggling with their clients and you get a deep insight in the bad situation that the clients are in.’